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Uniffle Coordinator Guide

Uniffle is a unified remote shuffle service for compute engines, the role of coordinator is responsibility for collecting status of shuffle server and doing the assignment for the job.


This document will introduce how to deploy Uniffle coordinators.


  1. unzip package to RSS_HOME

  2. update RSS_HOME/bin/, eg,

    HADOOP_HOME=<hadoop home>
  3. update RSS_HOME/conf/coordinator.conf, eg,

      rss.rpc.server.port 19999
    rss.jetty.http.port 19998
    rss.coordinator.server.heartbeat.timeout 30000 60000
    rss.coordinator.shuffle.nodes.max 5
    # enable dynamicClientConf, and coordinator will be responsible for most of client conf
    rss.coordinator.dynamicClientConf.enabled true
    # config the path of client conf
    rss.coordinator.dynamicClientConf.path <RSS_HOME>/conf/dynamic_client.conf
    # config the path of excluded shuffle server
    rss.coordinator.exclude.nodes.file.path <RSS_HOME>/conf/exclude_nodes
  4. update <RSS_HOME>/conf/dynamic_client.conf, rss client will get default conf from coordinator eg,

     # MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS is recommandation for production environment MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS
    # multiple remote storages are supported, and client will get assignment from coordinator hdfs://cluster1/path,hdfs://cluster2/path
    rss.writer.require.memory.retryMax 1200
    rss.client.retry.max 100
    rss.writer.send.check.timeout 600000 14m
  5. update <RSS_HOME>/conf/exclude_nodes, coordinator will update excluded node by this file eg,

     # shuffleServer's ip and port, connected with "-"
  6. start Coordinator

     bash RSS_HOME/bin/


Common settings

Property NameDefaultDescription
rss.coordinator.server.heartbeat.timeout30000Timeout if can't get heartbeat from shuffle server
rss.coordinator.server.periodic.output.interval.times30The periodic interval times of output alive nodes. The interval sec can be calculated by (rss.coordinator.server.heartbeat.timeout/3 * rss.coordinator.server.periodic.output.interval.times). Default output interval is 5min.
rss.coordinator.assignment.strategyPARTITION_BALANCEStrategy for assigning shuffle server, PARTITION_BALANCE should be used for workload balance expired time (ms), the heartbeat interval should be less than it
rss.coordinator.shuffle.nodes.max9The max number of shuffle server when do the assignment
rss.coordinator.dynamicClientConf.path-The path of configuration file which have default conf for rss client
rss.coordinator.exclude.nodes.file.path-The path of configuration file which have exclude nodes
rss.coordinator.exclude.nodes.check.interval.ms60000Update interval (ms) for exclude nodes
rss.coordinator.access.checkersorg.apache.uniffle.coordinator.AccessClusterLoadCheckerThe access checkers will be used when the spark client use the DelegationShuffleManager, which will decide whether to use rss according to the result of the specified access checkers
rss.coordinator.access.loadChecker.memory.percentage15.0The minimal percentage of available memory percentage of a server
rss.coordinator.dynamicClientConf.enabledfalsewhether to enable dynamic client conf, which will be fetched by spark client
rss.coordinator.dynamicClientConf.path-The dynamic client conf of this cluster and can be stored in HDFS or local
rss.coordinator.dynamicClientConf.updateIntervalSec120The dynamic client conf update interval in seconds Storage Cluster related conf with format $clusterId,$key=$value, separated by ';'
rss.rpc.server.port-RPC port for coordinator
rss.jetty.http.port-Http port for coordinator for selecting the remote path time of scheduling the read and write time of the paths to obtain different HDFS size of the file that the scheduled thread reads and writes number of times to read and write HDFS files
rss.coordinator.startup-silent-period.enabledfalseEnable the startup-silent-period to reject the assignment requests for avoiding partial assignments. To avoid service interruption, this mechanism is disabled by default. Especially it's recommended to use in coordinator HA mode when restarting single coordinator.
rss.coordinator.startup-silent-period.duration20000The waiting duration(ms) when conf of rss.coordinator.startup-silent-period.enabled is enabled.

AccessClusterLoadChecker settings

Property NameDefaultDescription
rss.coordinator.access.loadChecker.serverNum.threshold-The minimal required number of healthy shuffle servers when being accessed by client. And when not specified, it will use the required shuffle-server number from client as the checking condition. If there is no client shuffle-server number specified, the coordinator conf of rss.coordinator.shuffle.nodes.max will be adopted

AccessCandidatesChecker settings

AccessCandidatesChecker is one of the built-in access checker, which will allow user to define the candidates list to use rss.

Property NameDefaultDescription
rss.coordinator.access.candidates.updateIntervalSec120Accessed candidates update interval in seconds, which is only valid when AccessCandidatesChecker is enabled.
rss.coordinator.access.candidates.path-Accessed candidates file path, the file can be stored on HDFS